Designing a hairstyle, with Figma.
Daisy Chain Dell 2515H Monitors with Display Port on Windows 10
Fix HiediSQL blurry in Windows 10
Business Card Design
Playing with sketchup (5 hours in)
Workaround for GitKraken SSH and HTTPS not working with AWS CodeCommit
Scraping AIA MPF Fund data and putting it into a nice graph
How to fix LetsEncrypt IPv6 error in Plesk and set up proxied Cloudflare DNS
My Dev Toolkit and Devices going into 2019
Drupal 8 TWIG template check field is empty
Facebook Tiny URLs
Deploying to WordPress themes to WPEngine over SFTP with free Continuous Deployment platforms. SOLVED!
Google Photos, beauty is only skin deep.
A quick look at free Android Time-lapse Apps
Install Drush on Ubuntu quickly without Composer
A Daytime Event Poster
Avoid paying VAT on Envato Checkout
Mac, ssh asks for passphrase repeatedly fix
Where to find Plesk Version, Plesk License Key, Operating System
Plywood wall door mechanism
Formatting a USB for Pioneer CDJ 900 and Windows on Mac
Debugging PHP in Atom by installing xdebug, in 5 minutes
My Web development Toolkit 2018
Installing Yosemite on a new SSD in a 2009 Macbook Pro
Drupal 8 display an image_style in a Twig Template with Twig Tweak
Where to find Drupal 8 Views Theme Information. Err, You can’t. Twig Debug Instead!
Adding HTML Twig syntax highlighting to Sublime text 3
Snippet: WordPress Child theme CSS does not override Parent theme